This step-by-step guide is going to show you how to set up Anonymous proxies with Playwright using Node.js and Python.
HTTP Proxies are handling HTTP requests towards the internet on behalf of a client. They are fast and very popular when it comes to any kind of anonymous web browsing.
SOCKSv5 is an internet protocol that is more versatile than a regular HTTP proxy since it can run on any port and traffic can flow both on TCP and UDP. Useful in games and other applications that do not use the http protocol.
Playwright is a modern tool for web automation and testing, created to make the work with browsers feel intuitive and flexible. It allows writing code that automates interaction with web pages, just like a user would: loading sites, clicking through links, filling out forms and gathering data automatically. Perhaps the most amazing feature of Playwright is its capability to handle multiple tabs or windows simultaneously, meaning your code can efficiently handle complex multi-page flows with no slowdowns.
Another incredible feature of Playwright is in its cross-browser compatibility. From core browsers like Chrome, Edge (Chromium-based), Firefox, to even Safari with WebKit, the software allows you to run a single set of scripts across browsers with ease. Another thing, Playwright does not bind you to a single language. Be your application in Node.js, Python, Java, or even .NET, rest assured that Playwright will integrate without problems.
Below, you’ll find a guide on how to get started with Playwright using Node.js and Python.
To get started with Playwright in Node.js, you’ll to create a new project first and then install the Playwright package. Here’s how:
npm init -ynpm install playwright
To use Playwright with Python, install the Playwright package using pip
and then set up the necessary browsers.
pip install playwrightplaywright install
Once you've completed the setup, we can move on to the next steps to integrate Anonymous Proxies with Playwright.
Now, you have to fill in your proxy details like the server, username, and password that you will use with Playwright.
If you are using an authentication method, you need to enter your username and password credentials as provided in the Anonymous Proxies Dashboard. However, if your IP is whitelisted, you won’t need to enter a username or password.
Playwright works with both datacenter proxies and residential proxies, hence, you can choose between any of these.
const playwright = require('playwright');(async () => {const proxySettings = {server: '',username: 'your-username',password: 'your-password'};const url = '';for (const browserType of ['chromium', 'firefox', 'webkit']) {try {const browser = await playwright[browserType].launch({headless: true,proxy: proxySettings});const context = await browser.newContext();const page = await context.newPage();await page.goto(url);console.log(`Title for ${browserType}:`, await page.title());await browser.close();} catch (error) {console.error(`Error with ${browserType}:`, error);}}})();
For Python, the equivalent setup looks like this:
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwrightdef test_with_proxies(url, proxy_settings):with sync_playwright() as p:for browser_type in [p.chromium, p.firefox, p.webkit]:try:browser = browser_type.launch(headless=True,proxy=proxy_settings)context = browser.new_context()page = context.new_page()page.goto(url)print(f"Title for {}: {page.title()}")browser.close()except Exception as e:print(f"Error with {}: {e}")url = ""proxy_settings = {"server": "","username": "'your-username","password": "'your-password"}test_with_proxies(url, proxy_settings)
Now, you can run the code to verify that Playwright correctly routes through the proxy. If the setup is correct, you should see the title of the page printed in the console for each browser type.
By integrating Anonymous proxies with Playwright, you will open a world of possibilities for web scraping or browser automation and be sure that you're going to have incredible privacy and security in your online activities. With Playwright, you can easily navigate sites, click buttons, fill in input fields, and scrape data even from those sites that load their content dynamically. While tools like Puppeteer and Selenium are popular choices, Playwright is the best when you need only a single tool that supports multi-browsers like Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit, with languages beyond just JavaScript/Node.js, such as Python and C#.
If you have any further questions about the integration of Anonymous proxies with Playwright, don't hesitate to contact us. For more integrations, check out our integrations page.